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Results for "keyword: "coming of age""
Sleeping Better Suggestions for sleep hygiene as spiritual practice.
Aerobic Walking Prayer Using your breath during walking to help alleviate stress.
Pray with Your Actions Look at your activities as ways to add justice and peace to the world.
Rejoice in Good Fortune of Others Making a point of wishing people well.
Birthday of Maggie Kuhn (PDP) Celebrating the pioneering work and accomplishments of the founder of the Gray Panthers (1972), a network of older people dedicated to fighting ageism.
Back Bonding Ritual Deep nonverbal communication between grandparents and grandchildren.
Compliment the Invisibles A way to appreciate the people who make your life easier.
Death -- Our Greatest Teacher A meditation to prompt a focus on Dharma practice.
Mind Your E-Mails Writing e-mails with discernment.
Writing a Legacy Letter Ron Pevny on writing a legacy letter as a gift to your descendants.